Care to Dance?

By George Woodruff



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He heard the music, the soft, dulcet tones that evoke pain, heartache and longing in very centre of his soul. Unbidden, tears welled up in his eyes; the emotions flooding through him like a torrent. He began to sing along when he heard the rush of feet behind him. He sidestepped and watched as his assailant went screaming by.

"Look at the bayŠ shit!" Lorenz screamed as he missed his target.

"Thump!" said the wall he collided with.

"Ugh!" he responded back. "You fucking bastard! I'll kill you for that!"

"Is that your definitive opinion on the subject?" Carl inquired as he watched the fool sort himself out from the pile he had become.

"Don't fucking change the subject you fucking paedophile! I am going to rip you a new asshole, asshole!" Lorenz growled as he picked himself up and advanced on Carl.

"I'll pass, thank you," Carl responded as he relaxed into a ready stance.

"Not a fucking option fag boy!" Lorenz snarled and launched himself at Carl.

"It is always an option," Carl replied as he blocked the attack. Lorenz rebounded from him and swearing attacked again. Carl again rebuffed his attack, and seeing the confusion in Lorenz's eyes, enquired "What's bothering you neighbour?"

"I don't get it," Lorenz grunted as he strained to close with Carl. "You're crying over that music I put on, I'd planned to wipe the floor with you while you were crying your ass off."

"Ahh." Carl smiled through his tears. "You didn't calculate that a sensitive person can still mess you up while being moved by a piece of music." And while the chanteuse continued her to croon her arias of sadness, Carl proceeded to sing along while beating Lorenz within an inch of his life. Singing as if he were serenading Lorenz. Tears flowing, evoked by the music, making it look as if the beating he was giving Lorenz was causing him pain. All through this, Lorenz tried to escape. Screaming at first epithets then just screaming in pain.

All around them others watched. None interfered, as Carl was not breaking any bones, or causing the punk to bleed, in fact some were dancing to the commingled sounds of the chanteuse and the screams.


Site design ©2001 by Cindy Rosenthal
Care to Dance? ©2000 by George Woodruff

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