In That Place of Dreams

By George Woodruff



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O sweet Angel of the night
When will I hold you in my arms?
When will my dream come true?
I held you there my heart
In that place of Dreams
That place which does not exist.
When will I hold you here?

I kissed you there
Tasting the honey of your lips
Like ambrosia it was
Sending me to paradise.
Finding surcease from sorrow
In that place of Dreams
That place that does not exist

I loved you there
Caressing the flawless beauty of your skin
Feasting on the honey dew
And drinking the milk of paradise
Under the arch of your Jade Gate
In that place of Dreams
That place that does not exist

I danced with you there
Moving in a timeless rhythm
Coupling with a passion
That was born of our pain
That sang to us a song of love
In that place of Dreams
That place that does not exist

O my Angel of the night
I hold you in my arms?
My dream shall come true?
I will hold you here my heart
In this place not of Dreams
This place which does exist.
I will hold you here?


Site design ©2001 by Cindy Rosenthal
In That Place of Dreams ©2001 by George Woodruff

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