A Little Fun with Davy and Io

By Kammy Gaffney




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Davy shoved the incubus away. "This's all your fault," he growled, pointing.

"Oh really?" Iolaus had a warning gleam in his eye.

"Yes!" Davy shoved him again. "You and your stupid gender-shifting."

"Well, if you're gonna date me, boy, you better get used to it." Iolaus punched him in the arm. Not too hard, but it was enough to make Davy wince a little. He gave Iolaus a wicked grin, baring his fangs. As if on cue, the two young men glanced around, sidestepped into an adjacent alley, and raised their fists. There were a few moments of macho posturing, and then Iolaus threw another punch. Davy doubled over, with a groan. He took a moment to straighten up, and the moment he did, he took a swing at Iolaus, missed completely, and nearly lost his own balance.

"Dammit!" the vampire hissed. "Will you hold still?"

"Um... I was." The incubus grinned at him. "Here, ya faerie lush, try again."

Davy growled, stepped closer, and punched. Iolaus's head snapped around.


"Oh... oops, sorry." Davy grinned savagely and put his fists up again. "I was aiming for your stomach."

"Then I have two words for you, boy: Stop aiming." Iolaus quit rubbing his jaw, and stepped in for a quick combo, and Davy took the hits, and landed a few choice blows of his own. Now they were exchanging a flurry of punches, fast and furious.

"Grrr!" Davy spread his wings and tackled Iolaus.

"Ooph!" The two hit the ground hard, and now there was kicking and elbowing as well as the punching, but all of it too close to do any real damage.

"Ow! Stop pulling my hair!"

"Then you stop biting!"

"Ow! Quit it!"

"Gods-dammit! You stop first!"

"No! You stop first!"

"Great. Here we are rolling around in an alley, having a catfight, and I don't have an excuse."

Davy untangled himself from the incubus, and managed to get back on his feet again. He looked at Iolaus. "Hey, that's a new one. Now you look as dish - dish... messy as I do." He burst out laughing. "Sorry about um, tackling you, and all."

"No problem. It was kinda fun, actually." Iolaus grinned.

"You know what, I kinda have to agree with you..." Davy took an unsteady step, and swayed. "Jeez, am I wasted or what?"

"Now will you let me help you?"

"Help away... I think I'm falling off of the world."


"The ground, it's going away... it's all tilted, and I think I'm gonna fall."

"No, it's not, just hold on to me. We'll be home in no time at all. Just promise me you won't get sick."

Davy groaned. "I'm afraid I can make no such promise."

"Then I'm afraid that I'll have to plug up your face, and let the vomit shoot out of your ears."

"Thank you. You're a wonderful friend." Davy gave the incubus a silly grin. "I love you."

Iolaus burst out laughing, and gave Davy's shoulders a squeeze. "I Love you too, cutie."

"If you molest me tonight, without shifting first, I'm gonna kill you."

"I know, I know..."

* * * * *

Davy was exhausted, after it was all said and done. He fell asleep within seconds of staggering though the door, limply sprawled in one corner of the sofa like a gangly bat-winged ragdoll, hair tousled, head flung back, mouth open, arms spread wide, completely vulnerable. He murmured softly in his sleep, and that was what caught Iolaus's attention.

"Past your bedtime, huh?" he addressed the sleeping vampire. "Well, I guess I can tuck you in." He carefully gathered Davy in his arms - it amazed Iolaus continually that despite his height and wingspan, and the fact that he was totally dead weight at this point, he wasn't terribly heavy at all - just a rather awkward burden. The incubus had to walk carefully, to avoid accidentally stepping on one of the long ivory talons that edged Davy's dangling leathery wings. Iolaus had him undressed and in bed in a matter of minutes, and Davy only stirred once. He opened his eyes, gave the incubus a dreamy smile, muttered something unintelligible, and immediately drifted off again. Within seconds he was unconscious. Dead to the world, and cute as a button. Iolaus grinned and slipped into bed beside him, and listened to his love's soft steady breathing as he slept.

* * * * *

"Rise and shine, little golden child of mine... it's twilight... if you don't hurry, you'll miss the evening star." The small blond-haired boy whined softly in protest, and curled up tighter, pressing his face against his father's chest. The voice came again, it was deep and resonant; his chest vibrated a bit whenever he spoke. "No, no... you must wake... or otherwise I can not rise. If I cannot rise, then no one gets breakfast. Perhaps if you stayed in your own bed, with your brother, you would not come to so much grief, so soon after sunset." The boy groaned softly, and raising his head, he yawned, baring tiny needle sharp fangs, and long, rolled pink tongue. He looked more like a sleepy yellow kitten, than a child. He promptly put his head back down with a sigh, and wrapped his tiny black wings tightly around himself. Rhaegal chuckled, and wrapped one strong arm around his second son, as he stroked the downy golden hair with the other hand. "No... Davy, don't go back to sleep... you have to wake up, cutie, otherwise you'll be late for work."

"Father?" Davy was positive he was awake now, yet he was still being held, the hand was still stroking his hair, his head was still resting on a hard, muscular, and unmistakably male chest. Davy looked up, blinking in puzzlement. "Oh, Iolaus...it's you..." He sat up, pulling out of the incubus's arms, and remained silent for a moment, rubbing at his eyes.

"Expecting someone else?" the incubus asked, smiling.

"I thought you were my father," Davy said, his voice still soft and rough with sleep. He gave Iolaus a suspicious scowl. "You did keep your hands to yourself last night, right?"

"Absolutely. I was kinda tired, myself." Iolaus frowned and stroked his chin. "Thought I was your dad, huh? Hmm... is there something you want to talk about?"

Davy gave him an exasperated look. "Io, my father was a decent drakthos, he'd never - " He shuddered a bit, at the thought, and glared at the incubus, annoyed. "When I was a child, I had nightmares - well, daymares would be more accurate back then, and I'd leave my bed, and go crawl in his. He'd always wake me in time to catch the first star of the evening..." Davy sighed, and slowly struggled out of bed, but only made it to the edge, before he clutched at his skull with both hands, groaning. "Oh, gods... my aching head... how am I going to make it through work today?"

"I've never heard you talk about him before. What was your father like?" Iolaus asked him.

Davy's back stiffened. He neither answered, nor turned around.

"Davy, are you okay?"

"...Um... yeah... it's just... I don't really like talking about my father."

"Why? Was he some kind of an asshole, or something?"

"No. He loved us a great deal. He was very brave, very strong... and he died fighting to keep me alive. He died not knowing if he was successful or not - in the most horrible fashion..." Davy ran his hand through his hair. "I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to be late." he said in an emotionless voice. He got up and padded silently out of the room.

Iolaus heaved a sigh. Open mouth, insert foot. Way to go, Io. He climbed out of bed, and started pulling his long violet hair back into a ponytail.

Davy reappeared in the doorway again. "Hey, Io? I just wanted to mention that yesterday was fun. We've gotta do that again some time." He turned and walked away, and Iolaus leaned way over to watch him go, and sighed. Such a cute little hiney on that boy.

"One more thing," the blond vampire turned back around, smirking. "Unless you are intending to shift back into Iolanthe within the next five seconds, please stop staring at my ass. You're simply wasting your time and mine."

"That's it! I've had enough of your lip, boy-toy!" Iolaus started in his direction. Davy's silver eyes widened, then he yelped, and bolted for the bathroom, with Iolaus in hot pursuit. He spun around and tried to shut the door, but Iolaus was already through the doorway, and almost before he knew it, Davy was being taken down by a flying tackle, and he thumped his already aching head on the tiled floor.

"Ow! Hey! C'mon, Io! Be nice!"

"Whatsamatter? Bad hangover?"

"Yes, now get off of me, dammit!"

"So I guess it would really suck if I did...this!" Iolaus stuffed Davy in the shower.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" Iolaus pinned the struggling vampire down with one hand, holding his arm behind hi s back, and with the other, reached over and turned it on. "HEY!!! Lemme go! C-C-COLD!!!"

"Not such a wise ass now, are you?!"

"Y-you're heartless, ev-v-vil, v-vindictive - "


"Io, p-please!"

"You know, you're so cute when you're blue! How about I warm you back up again?"


"Just kidding."


Site design ©2001 by Cindy Rosenthal
A Little Fun with Davy and Io © 2001 by KL Gaffney

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